EntreReality (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) utilizes users’ personal information to provide some of its services, for the purpose of provision of the best possible services to users. In accordance with Article 30 of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」, in order to protect users’ personal information and handle grievances promptly and smoothly, the Company establishes and announces this Privacy Policy as follows.

Article 1 [Purpose of Processing of Personal Information]

The Company processes personal information for the following purpose and personal information processed by the Company will not be used for the purpose other than the purpose described as below. In the event that the purpose of use is changed, the Company will take necessary measures such as obtaining additional consent, etc. in accordance with Article 18 of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」.

(1) Signing up for membership and login and management

Personal information is processed for the purpose of confirmation of intention to sign up for membership, verification×certification of identity for provision of services, maintaining×management of member qualification, checking duplicate registration, management of faulty users, detection of abnormal users and restriction of their use, performance of agreements, handling disputes, prevention of wrongful use of services, confirmation of consent of legal representatives when processing personal information of children under the age of 14, and sending various information·notifications.

(2) Provision of services

Personal information is processed for the purpose of verification of identity, verification of age, provision of services, provision of content, provision of tailored services including advertisements, and payment·settlement of fees.

(3) Handling grievances

Personal information is processed for the purpose of verification of users’ identification, checking inquiries, contact·notification for investigation of fact, and notification of results.

(4) Partnership and proposal

Personal information is processed for the purpose of review details prepared by a user or businessperson when there is partnership or proposal, and of contact when necessary.

(5) Utilization for marketing and advertisement

Personal information is processed for the purpose of development of new services and provision of tailored services, provision of event or advertising information and provision of opportunities for participation, provision of services and displaying of advertisements according to demographic characteristics, checking validity of services, identification of frequency of access or statistics for use of services by members, etc.

Article 2 [Items of and retention period for personal information to be processed]

⓵ The Company processes·retains personal information within the period of retention and use of personal information as set forth in the statute or agreed by users at the time of collecting personal information.

⓶ Items of and retention period for personal information are as follows.

Purpose of collection·use Items of personal information to be collected·used Retention period
Signing up membership and management of login
Name, date of birth, mobile number, ID, email address, gender, age, duplicate registration verification information (DI), mobile number of a legal representative (if consent of the legal representative is required) 1. In principle: Until membership withdrawal
  1. However, in the event of falling under any of following cases, until the end of such period
  1. However, in the event of falling under any of following cases, until the end of such period
  1. However, in the event of falling under any of following cases, until the end of such period
  1. However, in the event of falling under any of following cases, until the end of such period

Article 3 [Provision of personal information to a third party]

⓵ The Company processes users’ personal information solely to the extent that it is specified in Article 1 (Purpose of Processing of Personal Information) and provides a third party with users’ personal information only if it falls under Article 17 and Article 18 of 「Personal Information Protection Act」 including the case that users consent or special provisions are existed in other laws.

⓶ The Company will obtain additional consent from users in the event that it provides a third party with users’ personal information.

Article 4 [Outsourcing of processing of personal information]

⓵ For smooth operation of services, the Company outsources tasks of processing of personal information as follows.

Outsourcee Outsourced tasks Period of retention and use of personal information
Channel Corporation Channel Talk (the service for customer consultations and settlement of disputes) Until termination of service use or contract
Amazon Web Services Keeping data Until termination of service use or contract

⓶ In outsourcing of processing of personal information, outsourced tasks handled by overseas corporations are as follows.

Outsourcee (Contact information of the privacy policy) Transfer to Date and time and methods of transfer Items of personal information Purpose of use Retention and handling period
Amazon Web Services Inc

([email protected]) | Regions of AWS (USA, OO) | Transmission through networks whenever the services are used | Personal information collected·used in the course of using services | System operation for use of services | Until termination of an outsourcing contract or according to the retention period prescribed in this Privacy Policy | | Agora Lab, Inc ([email protected]) | USA | Transfer through networks whenever the services are used | Video information | Processing of video information | Destroy immediately after transmit video files |

⓷ The Company, in accordance with Article 26 of 「Personal Information Protection Act」, specifies matters regarding prevention of personal information processing for other purposes than the outsourced purpose, technical·managerial safeguards, restriction on sub-outsourcing, management·supervision for outsourcees, liabilities including compensation of damage in documents such as a contract, and supervises how the outsourcee processes such personal information safely.

⓸ In the event that there is any change in outsourced tasks or outsourcees, the Company will announce it through this Privacy Policy without delay.